To connect your Personio to your Localyze, you need to first generate your API credentials.
You have Admin access to your company’s Personio account.
You are logged in to Personio with your Admin credentials.
Step 1
In your Personio account, go to "Settings"
Step 2
Click on "API credentials" in the Integrations box
Step 3
Click on “Generate new credential” button
Step 4
Write your company name inside the name field, making sure the company name is in CAPITAL LETTERS.
Click on the select box, then select “Other” in the integration box.
Select “Read” access for Employees data and Documents
Select the following employee attributes to allow our System to read these:
Step 5
Click on Choose attributes. Select the following employee attributes to allow our System to read them:
First name
Last name
Hire date
Step 6
Click on the Generate new credential button.
Please make sure your credential is generated successfully. If that is generated successfully, then click on the Save button.
And done! Copy your credentials - Client ID and Client Secret to use in your activation