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Social Security in Spain
Rowan avatar
Written by Rowan
Updated over a week ago

Social Security is the responsibility of the Spanish State. It is the State which pays, among other things, benefits and financial aid to those who are unemployed and to workers who find themselves incapacitated and unable to work (sick leave or disability). To pay for this, all business owners and workers must pay into the social security system, in the form of a contribution. The level of contributions is based on workers’ salaries.

How much is the percentage of contribution for Social Security?

The employer has to pay social security contributions which are calculated by applying different percentages depending on the type of contract and activity.

This percentage is often around 30% of the worker’s salary and is fully paid by the employer. For their part, the worker also makes a contribution to the social security system, taken out of their salary, at around 6.35% of their pay.

In certain cases, and in order to encourage the hiring of certain groups, the State applies a discount on the contribution of certain workers in the form of a rebate or reduction of the social security contribution to be paid. This varies according to the type of contract agreed (interim, conversion of an internship contract into an open-ended one) or the group whose hiring is encouraged (victims of gender or domestic violence, workers in a situation of social exclusion, long-term unemployed workers, etc.).

What benefits do I get from the social security system?

By contributing to the social security system, workers receive the protection of the system in numerous situations:

Should a worker find themself sick for reasons not related to work, they will receive a temporary incapacity benefit. In this case, a doctor registered with the social security system must provide a document authorising sick leave which is required in order to receive this benefit. If the reason for the sick leave results from an accident or illness resulting from work, it will be the work insurance company who will come and visit the worker. The sick leave will then be granted for professional reasons:

  1. Workers may receive benefits in the event of incapacity or permanent disability if due to their physical or psychological state they are unable to carry out their work, or another type of work, in its entirety or partially (permanently, without the possibility of improvement or full recovery).

  2. Unemployment benefit can be received for the loss of work if certain criteria are met (previous contributions made, out of work but actively looking for employment, etc.).

  3. Benefits are also available on retirement, once the retirement age has been reached and the minimum period of contributions has been met.

  4. Workers can also benefit from assistance from the Salary Guarantee Fund (FOGASA) in the event that their employer is unable to pay them due to insolvency.

  5. Likewise, workers are entitled to use the health system which offers healthcare to all citizens requiring free medical assistance.

Getting a Social Security Number in Spain

Anyone who works or studies in Spain is required to have a social security number.

This number (número de afiliación de la seguridad social) gives you access to the social security services and healthcare in Spain. Once you have been entered into the system the number will remain the same for life.

In order to obtain a social security number you will need to download and complete the TA-1 form. The form is not available in English, so you may need assistance from a Spanish speaker.

As well as form TA-1 you will need the following documentation:

  • ID or passport plus photocopy

  • Rental contract, employment contract if you have them plus photocopy

  • NIE, if you have already got it

  • Residency papers and visa if you are a non-EU citizen.

Applying online

If you are going to apply online for government services in Spain, you have to have a digital certificate. You can download this on to your PC to ensure secure communications between you and Spanish government websites. You can get more information and download a digital certificate from the Real Casa de la Moneda website.

Once you have your digital certificate, you can apply for a social security number online. To apply, go to the social security website and click Tu Seguridad Social. Here, you can fill in the TA1 online and submit your identification and NIE number. The Spanish government have also recently released an app where you can apply as well.

Applying in person

You will need to go to your local Tesorería de la Seguridad Social to apply for your social security number. All cities and most large towns have social security offices. They are generally open Monday to Friday from 9am until 2pm. You can find your local office by following this link to the social security website. There is a list of offices or you can click on "Buscar Centros" on the same page.

You will generally need to to book an appointment (cita previa) and you will need to get there early to check-in. You are also likely to find that people do not speak English and so you should ensure you know the key Spanish terms or take a translator. Once you have presented your documents your social security number will be issued there and then.

As in many things in Spain arrangements can vary from office to office and some offices will not issue a social security number without a Spanish phone number, and if you intend to work, some may require to see your employment contract.

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