In order to meet the requirements for the RWR Card, applicants need to possess and proof English and/or German language skills. This can be done with a language test result. Following test are officially recognised as eligible tests:
Proof of German language skills: ÖSD, Goethe-Institut, Telc GmbH, Österreichischer Integrationsfonds.
Proof of English language skills: Cambridge Certificate, TELC-Zertifikat, IELTS-Sprachdiplom, TOEICSprachdiplom, TOEFL-Sprachdiplom.
There is as well the possibility to proof e.g. English language skills with a University degree where the study course was completed in English (or as well native language skills) - but here the language needs to be as well the official language of the country. E.g. completing an English taught study program in France will not be accepted as proof of English skills and an English test will be required.